Ciliopathy Network Netherlands

Ciliopathy Nethwork Netherlands (CilNetNL) Annual Meeting 2023


Our mission is to unite patients (representatives), researchers, and healthcare providers to develop joint initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals with ciliopathies and their families.


We will initiate and support national and international initiatives aimed at improving the health and participation opportunities of individuals with ciliopathies and their families, including patient registries, scientific research, therapy development, multidisciplinary care, and meetings between patients (representatives) and professionals. We represent the interests of individuals with ciliopathies and their families, and increase awareness of ciliopathies with a sustainable, self-sufficient organization.

Cilia and Ciliopathies

Cilia are tiny, hair-like structures found on most cells in the human body. They come in two types: motile and non-motile, with non-motile cilia being called "primary cilia." Primary cilia are packed with sensory receptors and proteins that can sense things like bending, chemicals, light, temperature, osmolality (balance of water and ions), and gravity.

When primary or motile cilia don't work properly, it can lead to a class of diseases called "Ciliopathies." Those ciliopathies can cause various problems, like learning difficulties, bone issues, weight gain, vision loss, liver and kidney cysts, and infertility.

Current treatment options for ciliopathies are limited, thus our aim is to bring the knowledge for treatment and research together to improve the quality of life for those affected by a Ciliopathy.

Upcoming events

  • Weekend van de Wetenschap

    Datum: 05-06.10.2024

    Het Weekend van de Wetenschap 2024 vindt op 5 en 6 oktober plaats. Dit jaar staat opnieuw de vraag ‘Hoe werkt het?’ centraal. Tijdens dit landelijk event voor wetenschap en technologie openen universiteiten, hogescholen, musea, ziekenhuizen en onderzoeksinstellingen door heel Nederland hun deuren om bezoekers een uniek kijkje achter de schermen te bieden.

    Tijdens het Weekend van de Wetenschap vind je een demonstratie in het Hubrecht gebouw (UMC Utrecht) over cilia in nier en long mini-orgaantjes. Kom je ook kijken? Deelname is gratis.

    Hopelijk tot dan!

    Gisela Slaats

  • CilNetNL @Cilia2024


    Dublin - Beech/Birch suite in the Cilia2024 venue (19.15 - 20.15)

    We have invited national ciliopathy networks from other countries to meet with us, to strengthen the international patient network and explore opportunities for collaborations within Europe and the ERNs. The agenda will follow soon.

  • Cilia 2024 - Dublin


    Cilia2024 (hybrid) is the 6th running of the biennial European Cilia research meeting, taking place on September 10-13 in Dublin, Ireland. As the world’s largest scientific meeting for cilia and flagella research, Cilia2024 will bring together cilia researchers, clinicians, patients and patient representatives from across the globe, partaking in a wide ranging programme incorporating 11 scientific sessions, 4 keynote lectures, 35+ oral presentations, 22 flash talks and 3 poster sessions.

  • CilNetNL 2024 - Conference

    Date: to be determined

    The CilNetNL 2023 meeting proved to be an enriching one-day conference, marked by excellent lectures and constructive discussions. Such success has prompted our decision to host a follow-up event.

    In our upcoming gathering, we aim to bring together researchers, medical professionals, and patient organizations to foster dialogue and bridge the gap between research advancements and patient care.

    Stay tuned for updates on the date and details of our next event. We will keep you informed via our website and eagerly anticipate engaging in meaningful interactions with all participants.